So today is Vanessa's birthday. As per her wishes, she got a small radio for the bathroom so that she can listen to her NPR in the mornings. She also got a rolling pin. Then for dinner, she was treated to the local Chick-fil-A. This is my wife. This is all she wanted from me for her birthday. And I know from past experiences, that when she says that that is all she wants, that is all she wants. Oh well. We are going to Charleston for a nice three day weekend in a few days, so maybe she will actually splurge a little.
I was reading Josh's 400th post today and he said he likes my blog. So I decided that I would post something. I don't do this very often because I can never think of anything to write about. My life is pretty boring. I get up at 5.00am. Go to work at seven. Get on the stage around nine. Go home around 5 or 6 or 7, and watch something. Maybe I need a new hobby. I love playing disc golf, but can only play every now and then due to the nearest course being an hour away. I watch alot of movies. Speaking of which, I watched Blazing Saddles today. I had never seen it before. That is probably one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. Stupidest, but funniest.
NPR has been great lately. I really love the pledge drives. This is what the woman said this morning, (and I'm paraphrasing) "How often do you hear someone say that they heard a great story on public radio? Without you're donations, those great, interesting stories won't be around." Are you kidding me? I like NPR, but I have to admit, it's rarely that interesting. I don't even know what it is that I like about it. Maybe it's the monotonous drone of the people or the sad wailing of the saxophone between stories. I just don't know.
Anyway, I'm ranting. George A. Romero's new zombie movie came out today on DVD. I'm really excited about it. I just haven't seen any really good movies in a while. Why don't they make good movies anymore. I don't even want to go to the theater anymore. What is happening to me. Maybe something good will come out closer to the end of the year. If anyone has seen anything good lately let me know. I'm going crazy here.
I heard Quentin has a new friend who is a girl. Or should I say GIRLFRIEND. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I want to meet her, see if she is good enough for him.
I like NPR in the mornings. "All Things Considered" is good. I don't always agree, but the broadcasters are intelligent and articulate. I love "Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me" and "Car Talk" on Saturday morning. But I cannot stand Diane Rehm!!! Honestly, it is not her politics, it is her voice. I can't stand it!!! But I love "Blazing Saddles." I've seen it 10 or 12 times, and every times it is just as funny as the first time. Happy Birthday to Vanessa.
i hate the pledge drives. i change the channel. it makes me mad that they keep saying "we give you commerical-free progamming." i guess that why i've memorized websites for every foundation that gives them money.
the music between stories is amusing. i especially like during all things considered, when they do a different variation on the opening music.
i, too, can't stand diane rehm's voice.
happy birthday, vanessa!
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