First of all, I just found out that Vanessa hates that picture that I put up, so maybe this one will make up for it. You see, she loves the cats way more than me.
Now to the main course. Do you ever find yourself really enjoying movies or music that you would never tell anyone you like? Sure you have. These are the movies that come on when you're flipping through the channels and you stop, look around to make sure no one is there, and then shamefully enjoy for the next two hours. The only person I know who will come right out and say that he loves it is my father. He is the only man I know who will publically admit (and be proud of it) that he owns French Kiss and I.Q. I mean, I know Meg Ryann is hot and all, but come on. This man's courage has inspired me to share with you the films that only my wife knows I like. Pure Country. It has some of the worst acting I've ever seen but damn I love this movie. My all time favorite secret obsession, Working Girl. I will drop everything I am doing if that movie is on. Then there are some movies that you can't watch with anyone for a different reason. The unstoppable sobbing. I'll admit it, I cry at some movies. I'm actually a very emotional film watcher. The scene at the end of the first Godfather when Michael Corleone is participating in his nephews religous ceremony and he is saying how he renounces satan, but at the same time you see the hits that he had ordered. A tear comes to my eye. When Gandolf shows up with the first ray of sunlight, a tear comes to my eye. Great moments in movies can do this, but I am talking about the ugly cry. You know what I'm talking about. The two movies that I will absolutely not watch with anyone around are first, Steel Magnolias. I love this movie, but when Sally Fields is at her daughters funeral and she says that she should have gone first. I lose it. The worst though, is Terms of Endearment. Don't even get me started. When Deborah Winger dies and Shirley MacLaine stands up and says, "I didn't think it would be this hard." Well, you know.
I cannot believe I just said all of that. If you haven't seen any of the movies I just mentioned, you have got to see them. But make sure no one is around.
since there are no good movies out, let me suggest watching 24 on dvd. me and roomates started watching it with season one and watched all the way through season three which we finished last night. watching that show is like shooting up heroine. jack bauer's so cool, he makes samuel l. jackson look like a little girl.
also, i'm sure you've already seen it, but some movies are definately worth seeing again, and Big Fish is one of those movies.
What about when the bicycles leave the ground in ET?
What about when Steve McQueen is blown up in "Hell Is for Heroes?"
how would you know what shooting heroine is like. I don't know if i can watch big fish again. It was really good but it's one of those movies i just don't want to watch again.
i meant that the show was addicting like heroine is. i watched elizabeth town last week, it was pretty good actually. the soundtrack rocked. and i saw south country last night, it was alright.
i know you did that on purpose. i'm not biting.
no i said south country by accident. i realized that was really north country yesterday when i saw it on imdb.com. i hadn't even heard of the movie before i went to see it.
Speaking of pictures, look what I found: http://www.genetics.uga.edu/gradwebsite/studprofiles/corby.html
oops! Try this.
I don't understand it, but try putting a corby.html after that last /.
I sort of wish I'd never brought this up.
have you seen saw II yet? ive seen it twice, i really liked it. i saw stay last night, i need to see it again, i didnt understand some of it.
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