Thursday, May 01, 2008

Barry Goldwater

Alright, this post has absolutely nothing to do with Barry Goldwater except for the fact that I'm writing it in Arizona and I think he was robbed in the 64 election, but that's for another day. I'm writing a paper right now and I just needed a break. The topic is as follows: Discuss the choices and challenges of US foreign policy in the aftermath of the collapse of the former Soviet Union. It fascinating stuff, unfortunately I no nothing of the subject and I'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back until it's due. So that leaves me tonight and I had a test in my history of the world wars class earlier this evening so I haven't been able to start until now. So work is going to pretty much suck tomorrow, but I can sleep on the plane. You would think that I would have some knowledge of this topic since I lived through it, but surprisingly a twelve year old boy doesn't pick up on the significance of such a historic event so I find that my only memory is watching the Berlin Wall coming down on television. Thank goodness for the internet though, and you know, it's still kind of recent to determine what effect our change in policy is having. As my professor says, you need at least a hundred years to fully determine the effect of an event. You know what else I learned in this class, John F. Kennedy really wasn't a very good president. I mean he didn't do anything. Of course he didn't back down to the Soviets and the blockade of Cuba caused them to turn their ships around, right? I'm sure us removing our missiles from Turkey had no effect on them at all. It was all JFK and Bobby and their amazing courage in the face adversity. I'm glad they were here to save the country. Anyway, I guess I'll get back to the paper. It won't write itself after all. hahahahhahahah!


Rise said...

Well, I just had to read your post with my glasses on. Thanks for the RED print. About the Kennedys, I always liked them. I know there is a lot of bad stuff written and said about them - mostly about their personal lives though. BUT, I can't stand their little brother. He is a real thug.

Rise said...

Thank you!

Bennie said...

Your mom was 7 years old when JFK was assassinated. She may not be the one to listen to about the Kennedys. Now, I was 16. I understood everything, except that Marilyn Monroe version of "Happy Birthday." I thought she sang that too slowly. Anyway, it appears that the fall of the Soviet Union might have been a temporary thing. Putin seems to be wanting to be the new Stalin. We will see. It is much too early to discuss the topic you have been given to write about. Our policy has not completed being changed yet. Many of the Cold War policies are still in place. Russia is still on the opposite side of almost every international issue from the USA.Good luck with a difficult topic.