She finally did it. After five long years my wonder wife is now a pHd. I am so proud of her. We flew back to Georgia last week for the ceremony. It was almost like we never left. We came back yesterday with the cats. It just might be the most miserable day of my life. The drugs didn't really work and they meowed for about 12 hours straight. Luckily, planes have so many noises you really couldn't hear them. Vanessa's sister Emily came back with us to help us out with the cats. She is awesome. To volunteer for this is very generous. I'm so glad she's here.
This post is out of order. I will tell you all about the move out here next time.
'til then.......
Great pictures. I know Vanessa is awesome, and now you tell us Emily is awesome! I never condered Art really awesome....interesting, but not awesome. Personally, I think you are pretty awesome.
Congrats to Vanessa! I'm glad you're home safely, and I'm REALLY looking forward to your next post.
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