In the five years I lived in Georgia, I never saw snow once. Ice a few time, but never snow. In less than five months in Tucson, I have seen snow. The desert landscape allows you to see large distances. These mountains are not that far, but they are high. I think Tucson is between 3,ooo and 4,ooo feet in elevation. These mountain rise over 9,000 feet. Winter in Tucson is awesome. It gets down to about 35 degrees at night and can get up to the 70's during the day. Even days when it doesn't get about 60 are still nice because there is no humidity in the air. If you get cold, just go stand in the sun for a minute, you'll warm right up. We haven't turned on out heater yet and I don't know if we will this year. We have a fireplace for when it get cold at night, then we open the windows when we go to work in the mornings. It's just great.
We are leaving Thursday for Atlanta. I can't wait to get back to the South. I love it out here but it's just different. You don't get the small niceties that you do in the South. Plus, I can't wait to see all of my family. I love the holidays. It will be great to see mom and dad again. I went to the drug store yesterday to get some pepcid ac so that I will be prepared for all the great food I know is coming my way. I think we finally finished our Christmas shopping. The malls were no joke yesterday. I'm convinced that half of Sonora comes shopping in Tucson every weekend. Sonora is the Mexican state that borders Arizona. The parking lot is full Sonoran license plates and these people aren't raised with same manners as we are. It's just a different culture. Nobody seems to mind if they run into you or if the breastfeed in the middle of the mall. It's just a different culture and I can appreciate that, but it's just annoying as hell.
Thats all for now, and for everyone who reads this, see you soon.